Strategies for Creating or Re-energizing Your Blog-Part 1
When we decided to redesign our website with a whole new look and feel, as well as a blog component, we knew we’d have to be patient while all the pieces came together. What we didn’t want to do was wait to start blogging! So, we had to come up with a unique way to “blog,” even though our actual blogging site was under construction.
Because Blogging Rule #1 is: Don’t let anything – even the temporary lack of a blog – stop you from communicating with your tribe!
So, what we did was use social media (specifically, LinkedIn, in conjunction with our Facebook Business page) as our temporary “blogging platform,” posting individual segments of longer blog posts over several days’ time. This is (appropriately enough) known as “drip marketing,” as the content is “dripped” out over time. It’s also a great way to share larger blog posts in easily digestible chunks over a period of time, even when you do have a functioning blog.
By way of example, over the next several days, we’re going to share with you our…
Four Strategies for Creating or Re-energizing Your Blog
STRATEGY #1: Showcase Your Products and Services
Sounds obvious enough, but there’s a right way, a wrong way, and a powerful way to do this. Let’s opt for #3 – the powerful way.
First, one product/service = one blog post. Don’t muddy the waters by talking about more than one thing. (And just by approaching it this way, you have ensured that you will have multiple blog posts just waiting to be written – probably a week’s worth or more.)
Second, focus not on the product/service itself, or the fact that it’s newer / cooler / better / faster / prettier than the competition’s, but on the value it delivers to the customer. You need to be specific here, so start by taking a blank sheet of paper, writing the name of the product/service at the top, and making a list of benefits you absolutely, positively, without fail, will deliver to the purchaser. This list must not be a list of features (“automatic shut-off”). It must not be a list of benefits (“prevents
overcooking”). Everything on this list must answer one simple question: When using your product/service, how will the purchaser feel? (“You need never worry about ruining an expensive prime rib roast or setting the house on fire with your garlic toast again!”) You get the idea.
Third, create a clear call to action (CTA). What exactly is it you want the reader to do?
- Call you for more information or an appointment? (Provide your phone number and email address right there within the blog post – don’t make them search for it! Don’t expect them to look for it at the top of the page, in the sidebar, under the Contact Us tab, or anywhere else.)
- Learn more about your product/service? (Make the link from the blog to your product page obvious. When they get there, they should be given even more details about the value your product/service delivers. And don’t forget to provide another CTA – you want them to be able to call, email, or buy right from that page.)
- Download a product sheet or free report? (Require them to provide an email address in order to get the download so you have a way to follow up.)
- Make the purchase now? (If so, you must provide a “Buy Now” button).
Now, get cracking on that list and meet me back here tomorrow morning for Strategy #2.
WhiteHOT, Inc. is led by owner Phil Clouser, a seasoned creative director with over 20 years in sales and marketing. Whether you’re doing a full-blown campaign or a single project, we do it more competitively than the big agencies. That’s the advantage of our streamlined, boutique approach. We are aggressive as well as responsive. We’ll meet with you, analyze your goals and expectations, design your project, and expedite it before the “big guys” assign a team and traffic number. Call Phil today at (609) 429-2972 to get the best value for your money, without the aggravation!