Referral Idea Starters-Part 6
Rather than implementing one or two of the tactics we’ve been talking about over the last week, consider being more strategic in your pursuit of referral business.
The most proactive and effective way to ensure a steady stream of referrals is to create a branded referral program. Here are eight steps to get you there:
Brand the program with a catchy name and its own logo.
Define a series of regular activities and develop a system for accountability.
Designate a staff member to manage the program. If instituted properly and managed on a regular basis, such a program will generate consistent referral business. You don’t want to invest in a program that is destined to fade into oblivion due to neglect.
Dedicate a page on your website to it. Detail the kinds of events you’ll be hosting, the types of prizes and rewards they can earn, etc. Membership is attained with their first referral.
Introduce your existing customers to the program with a direct mail and/or email announcement.
Let prospects know about the program. You have their contact information; this is a great opportunity to send a personalized letter or eye-catching postcard introducing the program. They may not be ready to become your customer just yet, but they may have friends and colleagues who are. And remember: Every contact counts toward the “magic number” that finally gets them to buy from you!
For each referral, members get entered into a drawing to win prizes. The more referrals they generate, the greater their chances to win. Prizes could include restaurant gift cards, a golf outing, trips, etc. You may also set up tiers of prizes: 1-3 referrals qualify for a prize worth $x, 4-5 referrals qualify for a prize worth $y, etc.
Hold a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual event where the drawings take place. Examples include a family barbecue, football tailgate, wine tasting, or holiday themed party. Encourage members to bring potential customers to the event—more leads!
If done consistently, the club will energize your customers and prospects to bring in a regular stream of new leads.
WhiteHOT, Inc. is led by owner Phil Clouser, a seasoned creative director with over 25 years in sales and marketing. Whether you’re doing a full-blown campaign or a single project, we do it more competitively than the big agencies. That’s the advantage of our streamlined, boutique approach. We are aggressive as well as responsive. We’ll meet with you, analyze your goals and expectations, design your project, and expedite it before the “big guys” assign a team and traffic number. Call Phil today at 609-577-4314 to get the best value for your money, without the aggravation!